
The Abbot Trilogy

Created by Stuart Watkinson

Three system-agnostic old school style adventures to use in your favourite TTRPG.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

And... done.
7 months ago – Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 01:53:27 PM

I've sat here looking at this screen for about 10 minutes. I've been a little lost for words. Trying to think of something profound to say. Something that doesn't feel like KS campaign hype jargon. But I can't really, so, I will keep it simple.

Thank you.

Thank you for supporting this project. By supporting this project, you are supporting creative works made by humans. Art that comes from the heart and minds of living, breathing people. 

It means a great deal to us.

Where to from here?

Kiril and I get down to work. 

I will be finishing off the editing, and a little of the writing. Kiril will soon dive head first into the artwork and at that time I will be doing the same for the layout.

Later today you will receive notification that a survey is available. This survey will just collect your DriveThruRPG email and the email you want to use for Backerkit, the country you're from, and will ask if you'd like to sign up for my month newsletter, The Largshire Bulletin.

Starting next Friday, i will be posting monthly updates. They will include progress on writing, layout, and art. They will answer any questions asked and share some of the other things we're working on. 

Backerkit won't open until we are getting closer to shipping. We do not want to provide incorrect information about shipping costs and want to secure the best prices for you. Once that opens, the project will be close to fulfillment time. We have put December 2024 down as the fulfillment time, however, it may be much sooner than that. No promises though (Kickstarter's, am I right?).

The Final Stretch Goal

The final stretch goal for this project was a revenue split. Kiril and I are both working creatives and every little bit helps to support us. It helps us to continue to make the things we make. If you're interested in seeing the other projects we're working on you've got some options. Kiril regularly posts to his Instagram with current and past projects, including insight into his process. I particularly liked seeing how this piece came to be. As someone who is artistically challenged, it's great to see how it all unfolds. And while the Bulletin gives monthly updates, I also have a Patreon where I write about all sorts of things. Currently exploring the idea of turning an RPG into skirmish game. You can sign up for free to see all the writing posts.

Until next time

Thank you all again. Next week I will be in touch with the March update. If you've got any questions, concerns, or comments, send them my way.

Long days and pleasant nights.


Two weeks in and we're getting a map
8 months ago – Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 07:47:24 PM

Map Time

Looks like we're getting a new map. A few have reached and said they'd like to see my little mud map of the 'world'. This map is just the very rough outline that Kiril will use to turn into something beautiful. The idea with this map is that can be used with Untrodden Paths to orient the players and create adventures based on travel. It includes the major locations from the three Abbot adventures, as well as Winterbrook and Largshire. It also has a range of unnamed locations. There's a lot of 'A Town' and one 'The Capitol' which can be renamed to whatever suits your world.

Ah, but what you don't have a world to slot this into? Well, Untrodden Paths will also have a little town and city builder to roll up some basics and get you started.

So, here's the roughy. It reminds me of a child's scribbling, and I'm all good with that. But Kiril is going to make this excellent. Just look at these.

Writing Update

All writing for Abbotsmoore and Bitterpeak is done and has is editing phase. Steelhollow is coming along quite well. I aim to have the writing done by the end of the campaign will just have to edit in the following weeks. A bulk of the writing work I have been doing the last few weeks has been focused on connecting all these adventures together. Writing in all the little details that will weave between them all. For example, there are the remains of an ancient civilisation in each adventure. The SAME civilisation. And elements of their culture and technology are found throughout each adventure. There are teleportation stations that allow each travel between the sites, if they're found, that is. There's also items that reoccur through. Such as these metallic plate sides scales. Which first appear in Abbotsmoore:

But then again in Bitterpeak, this time worn on the armour of some barbarian's met out in the tundra:

They're all small additions that build up over time. And honestly this has been one of the most enjoyable elements in writing these adventures. I know what I am like and I will tinker them for quite some time. But I have set myself the deadline of March 31st to complete editing and drafting. However, layout has already begun for Abbotsmoore! More on that next week.

The Last 7 Days

We are now into the last week of funding. Again, thank you for your support and please share this project with those you know will enjoy it. Be sure to drop any thoughts, comments, or questions into the comment page.

Long days and pleasant nights.


A map to tie it all together!
8 months ago – Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 01:23:13 AM

This is my celebratory music!

Stretch Goal 2 has been hit!

We're making a map! 

This map will include the primary locations for the three adventures and a few others from previous works. Largshire will be there, and Winterbrook (both available as add ons). We'll also have a range of unnamed site across the map so that it can be adapted to your game.

We haven't started on this one. Well... that's not entirely true. I have done a very rough sketch of what I see in my mind. But I am not an artist so that will probably note surface. Unless you really want to see it? Just me know on the comments page.

Speak of the comments page. We have 1 week left of this campaign. Please let your friends know about this project and share it on your socials. Another neat trick is commenting on the comments page. The more comments the better as it supports the algorithm and puts this project in front of more people. 

Just a short update today, thanks again! 

I'll be back in a few days with a proper update, some art, and some layout.

Long days and pleasant nights.


US Distribution Update
8 months ago – Thu, Feb 08, 2024 at 12:04:28 PM

Space Penguin Ink. have come onboard to handle distribution in the USA which will bring shipping rates down to somewhere between $8USD and $11USD. Once the layout is complete, we'll have the exact price sorted. Let all your American friends know! 

The Rest of the World

At this stage, the rest of the world will still be shipping out of Australia and costs will be same as stated on the Kickstarter page. However, if anything changes you will be the first to know! 

Long days and pleasant nights.


Funding & Stretching
8 months ago – Wed, Feb 07, 2024 at 05:22:08 PM



That is such a relief. There's a lot of cool stuff in this project and now it definitely coming to light! And on that note, here's another work in progress sketch from Kiril. (SPOILERS) This piece will go into Abbotsmoore. They are the fanatical ratfolk disciples of The Abbot. And these fanatics are fleeing in fear of some unexpected visitors.

One Stretch Goal Down!

Also amazing.

I did not expect to fund in the first week, let alone hit a stretch goal! So, Untrodden Paths is coming to life. This is a pamphlet will outline strategies for overland travel and provide a framework to make travel an adventure and not just a few dice rolls. I have written about my thoughts on overland travel before on my blog which you can check out here. Essentially, I will be expanding on Travel as an Adventure with a range of options, tables, and procedures for moving between the three adventures. For updates on this one!

What's good?

Dimday Red TTRPG - Nodus Zine 02: Dimday Red is a mid-apocalyptic tabletop role-playing game set in a bleak, socially fragmented world, where you can play as a mutant or a faction member, during the last 52 years of life on Earth. This is a really interesting project and it looks like more and more content will be  getting added to it over time as well. Solid pick up!

Cartograph - Atlas Edition: A Mapmaking TTRPG:Cartograph is a solo / multiplayer map-making RPG about journaling, exploration, worldbuilding, and resource management. I am genuinely so excited for this project. It's got so many cool little elements and fits into exactly what I love about solo roleplay. Check it out.

The Neon Jungle:A gonzo post-apocalyptic location supplement compatible with Mutant Crawl Classics RPG. This is cool little supplement for MCC and I really just dig the vibes. It's got some great art work and if you're rolling MCC at all it would be a great addition. Go get weird in the jungle. This line is the killer, 'You’re a wasteland wanderer: a mutant, a seeker, a robot-killer, a stoic shaman guarding forgotten ancient sciences.'

Thank you

In our next update I will have some layout to show you all as well as a bit of a peak at Undtrodden Paths! 

Long days and pleasant nights!